Dee Hill-Mey
Dee has held positions managing successful worksite health promotion programs in the employee health and well-being industry for over 35 years. She is a nationally recognized health and wellbeing professional specializing in organizational health management, strategic planning and execution; staff recruitment, training and development; wellness program delivery, with the incorporation of integrative modalities; sales and marketing, and university level teaching and research. Her career is representative of a lifelong passion to help people realize full potential through health, physical activity, career and life experiences.
Her programs, in both corporate and hospital environments, have shown strong results in client/member engagement and health outcomes. Her award-winning programs in worksite wellness, both of which she started from the ground up, include Levi Strauss & Co. in San Francisco where she was awarded the Koshland award, and Gannett Co Inc. in Arlington VA. where she was awarded the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports award for the Outstanding Corporate Fitness and Health Promotion program. After completing her Doctoral degree in Health Promotion and Education in 2012; she took on a position managing a hospital-based lifestyle medicine, health promotion and wellness clinic for Intermountain Healthcare providing services to the community with a population health focus. Dee is also certified as a Gerontologist, which has afforded her the knowledge to work with our aging population and developing services for this group.
A certified Wellcoach, she currently maintains a consulting and coaching business and serves as an advisor to the Institute for Coaching through McLean Hospital and Harvard University, and sits on the Board of the International Association for Worksite Health Promotion (IAWHP).
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