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The mission of Health Improvement Solutions is to enhance the health of organizations and communities we serve. We accomplish this by assisting with the delivery of comprehensive and integrated solutions ensuring the achievement of individual and population health enhancement, and economic benefit.
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Dealing with Life Challenges discusses topics such as fatigue, sleep hygiene, stress, depression, and resiliency. The information is supplemented with easy-to-read schematics, intended to provide useful information in a summary format. The purpose of this book is to provide general education on topics that can affect employee health and productivity.
Why and How People Change Health Behaviors is a collection of inspiring stories from individuals who have made successful lifestyle behavior changes and maintained them for a significant period of time. This book was compiled with the intent to provide motivation and insight, assisting those who want to change or who are currently attempting lifestyle change.
The management edition is similar to the original version of the book above, discussing the same topics in the same easy-to-read format, and also includes an extra chapter written for mid-management and supervisors.
The Platinum Book: Practical Applications of the Health and Productivity Management Model is the first text of its kind, with valuable insights on how to implement the health and productivity management model, as well as concretely measure outcomes with leading-edge metrics.